If you are a music teacher in the Albuquerque area, we invite you to join our organization. As a member of AMTA, you will have opportunities to pursue professional development, to share ideas and information, and to make new friends. You will find venues in which your students can perform and/or compete for scholarships and awards. You will also be able to let the community know about yourself and your studio through our Find a Teacher site.

To join AMTA you will also need to become a member of PMTNM and MTNA. Many of our activities are sponsored by PMTNM, including PEP , Honors, and the State Conference. Others are sponsored by MTNA, including the MTNA Competitions, the National Conference, and its print and online publications, American Music Teacher and the MTNA e-journal.

You can join AMTA online by visiting the MTNA website and completing the New Member Application. Become a member of AMTA and join this community of dedicated and professional teachers!